Friday, February 11, 2011

NY77 – The Coolest Year in Hell

Sehr schön, die VHS Cassette mal eben digitalisiert und auf youtube hochgeladen. Bin gespannt, wie lange das gut geht :-))) Auf jeden Fall mal sehr unterhaltsame 86 min.!!!

NYC mit allem was dazugehört:
Punk, disco, hip hop, the blackout, Son of Sam, Tony Manero, CBGB, Studio 54, Max’s Kansas City, Show World, Paradise Garage, cocaine, polyester and leather—1977 in New York City was exhilarating, a nightmare, fun, dangerous and never boring.

New York City, 1977 – It was a time when the city had fallen into decay, with too few jobs, money, police, schools, and social services. There was a city wide blackout with major looting, a serial killer on the loose, and the Bronx was burning. And yet out of the chaos emerged one of the most creative times any city has ever encountered.
via nerdcore.
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