Saturday, February 12, 2011

Relampago del Catatumbo

image: wikipedia.
Im letzten Urlaub hat mir am Strand in Thailand ein Kollege aus Finnland von einem Ort in Venezuela erzählt, an dem es ständig gewittert. Er war wohl schon mal dort. Mich hat die Geschichte damals sehr beeindruckt.

Jetzt habe ich mal ein wenig recherchiert und ein tolles Werbevideo der Region (Zulia - comes first :-))) gefunden, in der dieses weltweit einmalige Phänomen gezeigt und erläutert wird.

Zwischen 140 und 160 Nächten pro Jahr, 10 Stunden pro Nacht, 280 Blitze pro Stunde! WOW!! Und kein Donnern!!! Das flasht!!!

A Finnish friend told me about a region in Venezuela where you can see lightning all night. After some researches I found the desired information including a nice video explaining this incredible phenomenon.
For 140 to 160 nights out of the year, for 10 hours at a time, the sky above the river is pierced by almost constant lightning, producing as many as 280 strikes per hour. Known as the "Relampago del Catatumbo," this lightning storm has been raging, on and off, for as long a people can remember. 
In fact, the lightning, visible from 400 kilometers away, is so regular that it's been used as a navigation aid by ships and is known among sailors as the "Maracaibo Beacon." Interestingly, generally little to no sound accompanies this fantastic light show, as the lightning moves from cloud to cloud—far, far above the ground.
by accident.
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