Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cave Of Forgotten Dreams

1994 wurde diese Höhle entdeckt und nach einem ihrer Entdecker benannt, Höhlenforscher Jean-Marie Chauvet. Dort wurden die ältesten menschlichen Zeichnungen entdeckt, 32 000 - 35 000 Jahre alt.

Ab 2014 können Touristen in 2 km Entfernung eine originalgetreue Kopie der Höhle mit allen Kammern und Zeichnungen bewundern, man rechnet mit 350 000 Besuchern pro Jahr.

Mich begeistern nicht nur die tollen Bilder sondern auch die dargestellten Tiere: Löwen, Panter und Hyänen - in Südfrankreich - WTF - ein Glück, dass ich da keinen Urlaub mache :-)

Chauvet cave, paintings

Photo: HTO
Four aurochs (left), two rhinoceroses (below) and a panel of four horses (extreme right)

When the Chauvet Cave was discovered in 1994, speleologists Jean-Marie Chauvet, Eliette Brunet and Christian Hillaire were astonished at the sight of the remarkable prehistoric cave art before their eyes. The cave contained the earliest known paintings by man, dating back some 32,000-35,000 years. No other cave site of such archaeological importance had ever been found in this part of France. Hardly surprising when you consider that the paintings it contains are the earliest known anywhere on Earth.
Lions, panthers and hyenas in the south of France - WTF!!!

via environmental graffiti.
...more after the click...

 Chauvet Cave horses

Photo: Pline
The four horses in perspective

This completely intact cave was startling in many ways. The cave is unique and reflects the life and beliefs of Palaeolithic people as well as their occupations. Their artwork influences our perception and our knowledge of the prehistoric human activities of the time. The cave has since gone through thousands of years of draining, runoff, erosion, collapses and calcite formations.
Lions, Chauvet cave
 Photo: HTO
Details of the lions. The absence of the mane sometimes leads to these paintings being described as portraits of lionesses. The overall scene depicts a hunt

The aesthetic qualities it took to produce these perfectly preserved artworks and the way in which these animals were depicted is truly remarkable. It is believed that these animals symbolized danger as well as strength and power. Each work is a great composition full of force and life, which reveal a tremendous amount of information about the human and animal activities that took place in and around the cave.
 Cave Paintings Hyena

Photo: Carla Hufstedler
Cave hyena and the panther: painting found in the Chauvet cave:the spots on the panther represent a feline coat.

However in 2014 tourists will be able to visit an exact replica of the Chauvet Cave, some 2 kilometers away from the original site. It’s a big cultural project, and will consists of many room-sized chambers, expected to be visited by about 350,000 visitors each year. Perhaps it will take us on a journey into the memories and long forgotten dreams of those who lived so long ago.
Last year, filmmaker Werner Herzog made a 3D documentary about these caves. Named Cave of Forgotten Dreams, the documentary is considered a great cinematic creation and the most philosophical application of 3D known so far. The film made its debut on Monday, September 13, 2010 at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Imagine the experience of filming a prehistoric cave, crawling inside its natural passages when you are not allowed to touch any of the walls. Premiered in theaters in the UK on March 25, 2011, the film is scheduled for release on April 29, 2011 in the US. Visit the film website here.
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