Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Solution

Darauf habe ich gewartet, die Lösung für's Älter werden: 2 Meter lang, 75cm breit, 19" Flachbildschirm, Radiowecker und natürlich eine Minibar on board... und das für schlappe 6200.-€, da fange ich doch gleich mal an zu sparen :-)

Wow, this is the great invention I was waiting for - 5mph sounds great - with all the tools inside, perfect! The future looks bright!!!

Thanks for the all the interest. We are currently taking orders for the QTvan. We can alter the design and specification to match a customer's specific requirements. For example, one person has asked for a drop-top version so he can tow his grandkids to the mall.
via mc winkel.
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