Sunday, May 29, 2011

Amnesty International at 50

Ein Grund zu feiern!!! Hier geht's zu den deutschen Sonderseiten zum tollen Jubiläum... mit vielen Beiträgen und Live Mitschnitten div. Veranstaltungen.

Fifty years ago one man’s outrage at the imprisonment of two students for raising a toast to freedom inspired a global movement. Together, we have successfully campaigned for the release of thousands of people, imprisoned just for voicing their opinions. Together, we have given hope to tens of thousands of women and men facing intimidation, violence, or even death. Together, we have made a difference to countless lives.
There will be many opportunities to get involved and take action during our anniversary year. But first help us kick-off celebrations by joining in another toast to freedom, 50 years on. 

More information on the amnesty site...
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