Da kommt, glaube ich zumindest, ganz großes Kino auf uns zu: Ein mexikanischer Film, der während 3er Fussball WMs in Mexiko spielt... das reicht schon - ich will rein :-))) Man beachte das Filmplakat, es spricht Bände!!!
Dazu noch gute Musik wie Nina Simon oder hier unten: Scarlett Johansson zusammen mit Massive Attack...

Dazu noch gute Musik wie Nina Simon oder hier unten: Scarlett Johansson zusammen mit Massive Attack...
According to the NME, Scarlet Johansson recorded vocals for a cover of the George Gershwin-penned “Summertime,” for the Everardo Gout-directed film Dias De Gracia (Days Of Grace). The film takes place in Mexico over three World Cups in 2002, 2006, 2010. A Hollywood Reporter view from Cannes (where it was shows out of competition) called it “a breathlessly paced adrenaline rush.” The Massive Attack and Johansson collaboration is the movie’s main song. Nick Cave, Warren Ellis, and Atticus Ross scored other parts of the film. There are two other “Summertime” covers in the film, classic versions by Nina Simone and Janis Joplin (although the best is probably still Billie Holiday’s take). Johansson previously covered the song on Unexpected Dreams: Songs From the Stars. Hear that below: