Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fucked Up

Manche sprechen bereits jetzt von der "Besten Liveband", auf jeden Fall würde ich gerne mal ein Konzert von "Fucked Up" besuchen, mal sehen... Hier schon mal eine geniale Nummer vom neuen Album, das im Sommer kommt...

Fucked Up are a band who inspire genuine devotion in their fans, a reaction that goes much deeper than than simply liking the music and thinking they are pretty cool. They connect with their audience at a primal level. Singer Pink Eyes spends about 85% of the show in the crowd doling out as many sweaty bear hugs as he can manage. Their moshpits are intense but friendly and positive. They don’t hector their crowd or treat them like idiots, and they don’t use macho posturing to prove any kind of credentials. They are inclusive. You don’t come away from their show feeling weak and inadequate because some guy is over compensating for his white-bred privilege. If, as Richard stated the other day, Henry Rollins is the punk rock Charles Manson then Pink Eyes is the punk rock Santa Claus. And I’d rather get a present than get stabbed. 
Great band, my new favourite! New album "David Comes to Life" will be released on June 7th (US, June 8th UK) with four digital releases available to buy or download for free at 192 kbps. :-)))

via dangerous minds.
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