Tuesday, October 18, 2011

World's first commercial Spaceport

Im Juli hatte ich Gelegenheit, Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Chef, bei seinen Ausführungen zum Thema "Weltraumflug für Jedermann" zuzuhören. Jetzt hat er in Las Cruces, New Mexico den ersten kommerziellen Weltraumbahnhof mit einer angemessenen Party eingeweiht... bin ja mal gespannt, was als nächstes kommt :-)))

Man, if there's one thing Richard Branson knows better than anyone, it's how to put on an amazing launch event. Above, video from the Virgin Galactic kickoff for the world's first commercial spaceport, Spaceport America (alternate link), today in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Project Bandaloop did an aerial choreography performance from the side of the structure. Looked kind of like a really classy strip club in the sky. Branson himself joined the fun, and rappelled off the building during the ceremonies. The man knows how to have a good time.
via boingboing.
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