Saturday, November 12, 2011

JA83「House NA」藤本壮介建築設計事務所

Interessantes Häuschen, dass die Sou Fujimoto Architects in Tokyo gebaut haben - ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber sehr beeindruckend, wie ich finde :-)

The recently built House NA, designed by Sou Fujimoto Architects, is both straightforward, perplexing. The project is straightforward in its transparency and restrained material palette, but perplexing in its shifting levels of spatial arrangement: like living inside a glass and wood puzzle. I tend to think that people can pretty much live in anything, and as stunning as this project is, it’s also challenging. House N, designed by Fujimoto and finished just three years ago seems much more livable because the project develops a gradient of privacy for the occupants. Faced with a more restricted site and more transparent enclosure, the gradient doesn’t develop the same sophistication.
via publique.
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