Timthy Allen war in Bulgarien, um Bilder eines gigantischen Dokuments sozialisitischer Archtektur der 80er Jahre zu machen - sehr beeindruckend!!!
Timthy Allen:
"I first heard about the Buzludzha monument (pronounced Buz’ol’ja) last summer when I was attending a photo festival in Bulgaria. Alongside me judging a photography competition was Alexander Ivanov, a Bulgarian photographer who had gained national notoriety after spending the last 10 years shooting ‘Bulgaria from the Air’. Back then he showed me some pictures of what looked to me like a cross between a flying saucer and Doctor Evil’s hideout perched atop a glorious mountain range."
"Want to visit Buzludzha for yourself? HERE is the location on google earth."
via boingboing.
"Buzludzha… If Blofeld was a real person… he would definitely live here"Great shots, Timothy :-)))