Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The free Universal Construction Kit

Darauf hat die Welt der gewartet: Eine Anleitung zur Herstellung von Verbindungsstücken verschiedener Spielzeughersteller. Ich kenn' von dem Kram nur Duplo, Lego und Fischertechnik, hätte es aber sicher toll gefunden, die Sachen miteinander zu verbinden. Für alle, denen es ähnlich geht, gibt es hier die Anleitung inkl. Downloads und hier noch ein kleines Video:

"F.A.T. Lab and Sy-Lab are pleased to present the Free Universal Construction Kit: a matrix of nearly 80 adapter bricks that enable complete interoperability between ten* popular children’s construction toys. By allowing any piece to join to any other, the Kit encourages totally new forms of intercourse between otherwise closed systems—enabling radically hybrid constructive play, the creation of previously impossible designs, and ultimately, more creative opportunities for kids. As with other grassroots interoperability remedies, the Free Universal Construction Kit implements proprietary protocols in order to provide a public service unmet—or unmeetable—by corporate interests."
 via nerdcore.
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