Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Inside North Korea by an American Tourist

Interssante Dokumentation in 4 Teilen eines Amerikaners, der an einer organisierten Tour durch Nordkorea teilgenommen hat. Sehr beeindruckend... und anscheinend gar nicht so kompliziert, da mal hinzukommen, wie er (peronk1) unten anmerkt...

"This was a propaganda tour that brings tourists to the country’s showcase cities and most fertile regions. I posted these videos to give people who are thinking about visiting North …Korea an overview of what they will likely see there (A variety of tours are offered but in general the itineraries are similar). These videos are not truncated or narrated, making them long and often boring, but NK footage is rare, so more is better in this case. I was mostly allowed to film openly because it was of the best areas with the better fed and dressed elite population that the NK government wants the outside world to see — which is poor, but not perhaps not much worse off than Eastern Europe or China was in the late 1970′s. Don’t be fooled though, these images are not representative of most of North Korea. Look for hidden videos smuggled out to see how most North Koreans live, with oppression, famine, orphans, and not to mention the 200,000 political victims living in soviet style Gulag camps. Yes, in the 21st Century we still have Auschwitz-like concentration camps where whole families are starved, tortured and worked to death."

"An American tourist's independent tour of North Korea in May 2010. This is 2 of 4 Videos total, for almost 5 hrs of footage. North Korea allows a 21st Century visitor to time travel back to China during the Cultural Revolution or to Russia during Stalin. I recommend a visit there to see this bizarre country: it's open to almost everyone and is extremely safe for tourists. The tour Company I used is Young Pioneer Tours. They are not very organized but do offer younger, smaller group sizes which I like. If you are more risk adverse and prefer a well-run, stress free tour company, and can live with an older, larger group size, Koyro Tours, a British owned tour company based in Beijing, is highly recommended and they do a great job.
A big disclaimer with these videos: I went as a tourist and this is a propaganda tour. This is not representative of most of North Korea. This is their Disney World I saw: look for real hidden video that is smuggled out of the country before drawing any conclusions. "

via Ronny.
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