Friday, April 20, 2012

Long Drawn-Out Trip - Scarfe Satire of Nixon-Era America is back (1971)

Eine schöne Satire auf das Nixon Amerika der 70er. Umgesetzt bzw. veröffentlicht 1971 vom Briten Gerald Scarfe, der später auch eng mit Pink Floyd bei "Wish You Where Here" und "The Wall" zusammengearbeitet hatte. Roger Waters hat nach diesem Filmchen wohl über Scarfe gemeint: “We’ve got to have this guy on board. He’s fucking mad.”
40 Jahre gab es Streit um die Urheberrechte an diesem Teil, jetzt wurde es öffentlich bereitgestellt. Viel Spass :-)))
Gerald Scarfe made this nice satire in 1971 but it was out of the public eye for four decades due to some copyright issues.

"The subject of Long Drawn-Out Trip is Los Angeles and America itself, the concerns being the same ones that Ralph Steadman was depicting that year in his illustrations for Hunter S. “Thompson’s Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72”: venality, violence, vulgarity and the omnipresent spectre of Richard Nixon, a president who had the good fortune to be drawn many times by two of Britain’s greatest living satirists although he wouldn’t have thanked them for it. In Scarfe’s film we also find Mickey Mouse being reduced to his constituent lines and colours after smoking a joint. The animated sequences for The Wall have their origin in this short film.”  John Coulthart.

Scarfe recalls his first contact with members of Pink Floyd:
I did an animated film for the BBC in 1971 called Long Drawn-Out Trip. Roger and Nick (Mason) had seen it independently on BBC2 when it was aired. Roger told me that he rang Nick and said: “We’ve got to have this guy on board. He’s fucking mad.” Then Nick approached me and asked me to do an animation film and that’s how the relationship grew.

Scarfe on the genesis of his film:
I did a kind of stream of consciousness drawing everything I could think of about America at that time. Like, the Statue of Liberty, Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Black Power, Mickey Mouse, Coca Cola, Playboy Magazine, sort of a million images all melting one into the other. I was supposed to be there for 10 days, but I stayed for about 6 or 7 weeks. Hence the title, Long Drawn-Out Trip. And it was also a kind of a trip, cause it was very much the drug era. And it was a kind of a hallucinatory trip too."

via dangerousminds.
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