Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rock Outlaws - Iggy Popp, Richard Hell, Lydia Lunch and Jello Biafra in Interviews

Ein paar Interviews, entnommen aus einer französischen Dokumentation über Rock 'n Roller der 60er bis heute. Ein parr nette Einblicke in die sog. "guten alten Zeiten" und die Entwicklung von Punk :-)))
"Iggy talks about lessons learned from David Bowie: “No,you’re not coming to the dinner table on heroin.”

Jérôme de Missolz’s documentary Wild Thing (2010) was made for French television and it’s a pretty good look at rock n’ roll outlaws from the 1960s thru to the present day.

Here are some excerpts featuring Richard Hell, Lydia Lunch, Iggy Pop and Jello Biafra. Lunch’s anecdote about The Dead Boys is a jaw-dropper. The Boys ate Lydia’s Lunch."

via dangerousminds.
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