Das wird wahrscheinlich der youtube Hit der Woche werden (gerade bei knapp 67tausend Views), mal sehen :-) Hat zumindest das Zeug dazu :-))
Deb Perry geht ab auf "'Lonely Boy" von "The Black Keys" :-)))
A new viral going around :-)
"The rather demur woman in the photo above (here left) is Deb ‘Spoons’ Perry. Looking at this unprepossessing granny from Australia you’d never know she’s the Jimi Hendrix of eating utensils." :-)))
via dangerousminds.
Deb Perry geht ab auf "'Lonely Boy" von "The Black Keys" :-)))
A new viral going around :-)
"The rather demur woman in the photo above (here left) is Deb ‘Spoons’ Perry. Looking at this unprepossessing granny from Australia you’d never know she’s the Jimi Hendrix of eating utensils." :-)))
via dangerousminds.