Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Voice Project - Free Pussy Riot

The Voice Project ist eine Non-Profit Organisation, die verschiedene Projekte ins Leben gerufen hat und  betreibt. Hier ein Video zum Projekt AMPLIFY PEACE in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, weiter unten ein Projekt zur Unterstützung von "Pussy Riot". Untertüzen kann jeder, z.B. durch den Kauf eines sehr schönen Schals. sicher auch ein nettes Geschenk für die anstehenden kälteren Abende... ;-) Oder villeicht ein T-Shirt zur Untertützung von Pussy Riot...

I Am Mother from The Voice Project on Vimeo.

The Voice Project is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The video aboce is " is lovingly dedicated to the memory of "Mama" Elisabeth Vasiloda Ochola who taught us the true meaning of forgiveness. She was and remains the inspiration for The Voice Project."

"A peace movement is an incredible thing, people coming together, mobilizing like an army, and in this case armed not with guns but with songs and something more powerful than any bullet; compassion, the strength of human will, and determination. over two decades war ravaged northern Uganda. It is Africa's longest running conflict and it has spread to South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. Joseph Kony's LRA has made abducting children and forcing them to fight his chief weapon of war, even making them kill their friends and family members. Many abductees and former soldiers escape but hide in the bush, afraid to return home because of reprisals for the atrocities they were forced to commit." read more...


The Pussy Riot Fund is administered by the women’s attorneys in Moscow ( On their behalf, donations are collected by The Voice Project (, an American charity working to utilize the power of music to affect positive social change, alleviate suffering and promote human rights around the world.
via dangerousminds.

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