Saturday, November 3, 2012


A street in Manhattan somewhere is missing its stop sign.
NYC leidet noch schwer unter den Nachwirkungen von Hurricane Sandy. Jenna Pope ist Fotojournalistin und versucht mit Ihren Bildern auf das Elend und Leiden der Menschen vor Ort aufmerksam zu machen - sehr beeindruckende, ergreifende Bilder!!!
Debris on the road in lower Manhattan that had been swept up by flood water the night before
Jenna Pope:
"As a photojournalist, I feel as though I need to share my photos and experiences in order to help out those in NYC who are suffering during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The more people see the devastation and destruction here, the more people will want to help out. I have yet to make it out of Manhattan since the storm hit because transportation is difficult with subway lines down and gas running low. The other boroughs experienced more destruction, with houses being burned down during electrical fires and houses being swept away into the sea. But, even being in lower Manhattan where people dealt with flooded apartments and have been without electricity and water since the storm has been an eye-opening and emotional experience. Fire hydrants are opened and gushing water so those in the areas without water can fill up buckets to bring back to their apartments. Lines are long at the few locations that are offering food, water, and other assistance. The weather is getting cold, and without electricity there is no heat. And all of this is happening after these people went through a frightening hurricane just a few days ago."
Cell phone and laptop charging station.

If you’re in the Manhattan area and want to help out during these difficult times, Jenna suggests you check out this for instructions on where your energy can best be put to use. 
Clean water station.
Chinatown food line
A lonely street vendor’s cart glows like a beacon.

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