Saturday, March 2, 2013

3D Printing - The Impact of 3D Printining on the Economy

Wenn die Dinger mal billiger werden und sich jeder dann seine Schlumpffiguren selber druckt, wird es schwer für den Spielwarenladen um die Ecke - sehe ich auch so...
Eine schöne Zusammenfassung über 3D Druck und die Änderungen, die diese Entwicklung mit sich bringt.
"Much attention has been paid to 3D Printing lately, with new companies developing cheaper and more efficient consumer models that have wowed the tech community. They herald 3D Printing as a revolutionary and disruptive technology, but how will these printers truly affect our society? Beyond an initial novelty, 3D Printing could have a game-changing impact on consumer culture, copyright and patent law, and even the very concept of scarcity on which our economy is based. From at-home repairs to new businesses, from medical to ecological developments, 3D Printing has an undeniably wide range of possibilities which could profoundly change our world."
via bb.

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