Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bath in Motion - A Hyperlapse of Bath

Ich bin da mal mit dem Zug durchgefahren, von London kommend auf dem Weg zu einer Party nach Bristol. Hatte mich damals schon vom Zug aus sehr beeindruckt. Jetzt weiß ich, dass ich vielleicht lieber mal ausgestiegen wäre, um mir das UN Weltkulturerbe anzuschauen... Was solls, hier ist ein tolles Video :-)))
Came through Bath on my way to a party in Bristol in the early 90s. I remember that I was very impressed from what I saw through the train window. Now I know that I missed a lot... anyway, here comes a great video...

In this Hyperlapse I tried to capture the flow and pace of the stunning City of Bath. The Summer months thankfully brought sunshine this year which gave the City a visual warmth and glow. The summer also brings a greater flow of people to the City. I tried to display a juxtaposition between the heavy flow of people moving through Baths narrow Georgian streets (through the static medium of time-lapse) with the slow pace and flow of the more spacious, tranquil and peaceful areas of the City (through movement orientated hyperlapsing). At night i tried to portray the more gentle, relaxed pace that the City crawls to.

The concept of hyperapsing was tricky to master, and I feel I still have a lot to learn. It is the definition of trial and error! And finding out what works best for ones own workflow. I can honestly say that over half of the hyperlapses I created failed in one sense or another and did not make the final cut. The film consists of over 6,000 individual stills (over 15,000 if we include the Hyperlapses that went wrong). I shot the majority of the clips on a Canon 6D, but also used my Canon 500D for several shots.

Next up - Bristol@Night - November 2013

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