Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rijeka - City in Motion

Schönes Filmchen über die kroatische Küstenstadt Rijeka - sollte man vielleicht auch mal vorbeischauen ;-)

Rijeka - City in Motion is a project which main goal is promotion of the City of Rijeka and the whole region, but from a different perspective and in a little bit unusual way. The City of culture, music, sports, and above all diversity and tolerance, is shown in a unique combination of timelapse and video clips that shows 24 hour period. It is very important to say that 99% of the footage are still images with only a few video sequences.

The images that are used for the movie were taken at more then 65 different locations while final release includes about 50 locations all over the city. About 40.000 photos are used for the movie.

The entire movie has been captured in the period of one and a half year (April 2012. - October 2013.), and was made exclusively with Canon DSLR photo equipment; 7D, 5Dmk2 and 1Dmk4 with many different lenses like 15mm f2.8 FE, 16-35mm f2.8L, 24 f1.4L, 50 f1.2L, 100 f2.8 macro, 24-105 f4.0L, 70-200 f2.8 L IS, 300 f2.8L. Moving scenes and parallax effects were made with slider, Senna 5 sec wireless head and Manfrotto tripods. Sound was recorded with Zoom H1 and H2N recorders, and postproduction was done with Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Aftereffects, LR Timelapse and Final Cut Pro X.

Director of Photography and editor: Goran Razić ( and facebook
Voice over: Philip Banks
Music: Bob Bradley & Terry Devine King (Celestial)

Special thanks to: Tower center Rijeka, Zapadni trgovacki centar Rijeka, coffee shop "Iznad Ure", Rijeka Carnival, Trznice Rijeka and part time assistant Robert Sablić.


Rijeka - City in Motion (Rijeka - grad u pokretu) je projekt rađen sa svrhom turističke promocije grada i šire okolice iz jedne malo drugačije perspektive i na jedan nesvakidašnji način. Grad kulture, glazbe, sporta te prije svega raznolikosti i tolerancije u ovom se kratkom filmu predstavlja jedinstvenom kombinacijom timelapse i video kadrova. Valja napomenuti kako čak 99% materijala sačinjavaju fotografije s tek pokojom snimanom video sekvencom.

Fotografije za potrebe filma snimale su se na 65 različitih lokacija dok je u konačnici u zadnjem izdanju iskorišteno oko 50 lokacija, odnosno oko 40.000 fotografija.

Film je sniman u periodu od godinu i pol dana (travanj 2012. - listopad 2013.), a cijeli posao je odrađen isključivo s Canon DSLR foto opremom; 7D, 5d mk2 i 1Dmk4, dok su od objektiva korišteni 15mm f2.8 FE, 16-35mm f2.8L, 24 f1.4L, 50 f1.2L, 100 f2.8 makro, 24-105 f4.0L, 70-200 f2.8 L IS, 300 f2.8L. Pomični kadrovi rađeni su sliderom, Senna 5 sec. wireless glavom uz Manfrotto stative. Zvuk je sniman Zoom h1 i H2N snimačima, a postprodukcija uz Adobe Lihgtroom, Adobe After Effects, LR Timelapse i Final Cut Pro X.

Fotografija: Goran Razić ( i facebook
Montaža: Goran Razić
Naracija: Philip Banks
Glazba: Bob Bradley & Terry Devine King (Celestial)

Hvala: Tower centru Rijeka, Zapadnom trgovačkom centru, Kafiću Nad Urom, Riječkom karnevalu, Tržnicama Rijeka te povremenom asistentu Robertu Sabliću.
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