Sehr schön gemachtes Werbe-Video einer holländischen Kaffeerösterei :-)))
Dutch version:
Making of: film that tells the story of the Dutch coffee brand Coffeecompany.
The film leads us through the coffee process from bean to cup. From how the berries are farmed to the variety of brewing methods they serve in their stores.
Taking their distinctive coffee table as a basis, we decided to tell the whole story within the concept of a table.
So we started building a long table, 17 meters to be exact, and moulded all of the graphics into the table tops. Scale models were glued, ticking clocks programmed and coffee berries were sculpted.
For the shoot, a 19 meters long automated dolly was custom built, so we could capture all of the magic in one table top shot. With our best friends and baristas united, we created a 3 minute one taker that tells the complete coffee story.
Client: Coffeecompany
Agency: The Garnison Group
Design, production and direction: From Form
Copy: Wouter Keijzer
Set design: Ashley Govers
Post production: Jurjen Versteeg
Gaffer and rigging: Peter Gosens
First ass. camera: Ivar de Jong
Technician: Peter van der Werve
Production Assistent: Nick Aberson
Wardrobe & styling: Ogènda Ter Haar
Props (berries): Jan-Maarten Nachtegeller
Props (book and magazine design): Ivar de Jong
Catering: Marianne & Glenn Govers
Music and sound design: Echoic
Voice over: Mark Myers
Cast: Lisanne Vakkers, Jan-Maarten Nachtegeller, Robert Hofstede, Romy Tielman, Nick Aberson, Femke Blom, Gianni de Fretes, Emma van Eijkeren, Bruce Moerdijman, Atu Fagus Pattimahu
Barista's: Mariëtte Heistek, Jasper Uhlenbusch, Ka-Tjun Hau, Sebas Geistdorfer, Sanne Verhoeven, Stijn Braas, Nydia van Voorthuizen, Kim Staalman, Hayo Eisenga
Thanks to: Monica & Bouwe de Boer, Chavelli Martodihardjo, Tim Schipper, Olivier van Nooten, Rik van der Linden, CODUM, Stadslab Rotterdam, Lof der Zoetheid