Thursday, September 16, 2010

Walls are Dancing

Im Rahmen des globalen Projekts "Lets colour" hat der Künstler Matt W. Moore Wände in Paris, Lyon und Marseille bemalt und dies in über 700 000 Bildern festgehalten. Entstanden ist ein sehr schönes Video, unterlegt mit bisher unveröffentlichter Musik von Monsieur Monsieur - Toll!!!

Das "Making of..." gibt es nach dem Klick.

"This summer mural painter Matt W. Moore created a series of live painting performances on walls in MARSEILLE, LYON, and PARIS. Directors Le Groupuscule captured the evolution of each mural, gathering over 700,000 pictures, that were edited as a stop-motion animation to an unreleased track by Monsieur Monsieur to create this music video. This collaboration of 3 artistic disciplines to make walls dance is part of the global initiative Let's Colour Project."
After the click, you will see the "Making of... " video.

via kfmw.

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