Monday, March 14, 2011

Fukushima 3

Jetzt ist auch das zweite Reaktorgehäuse in die Luft geflogen, aber wie am Samstag schon: Kein großes Problem meint die japanische Regiereung, ist ja nur die äußere Hülle! Naja, 8 Reaktoren gibt's allein in Fukushima noch, und dann noch 54 weitere Nuklearanlagen, von denen bei mindestens zwei auch schon das Kühlsystem Probleme macht oder ganz ausgefallen ist.

WTF: Erdbeben, Tsunami und jetzt die nukleare Katastrophe!!!

Above, video of the second explosion at Japan's Fukushima Daichi (No. 1) nuclear power plant since the 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the country. This apparent hydrogen blast involved the plant's troubled No. 3 reactor. A similar explosion happened at the No.1 reactor at the same plant on Saturday. Both blasts tore the roof off of the affected structure, but are believed not to have damaged the reactor core.
From Japan's Kyodo news agency: 
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. confirmed that the 11:01 a.m. blast did not damage the container of the No. 3 reactor, allaying concerns that the explosion may have caused a massive release of radioactive substance. TEPCO said three workers, including its employees, were injured by the blast. All of them suffered bruises.
''According to the plant chief's assessment, the container's health has been maintained,'' Edano told a press conference. ''The possibility is low that massive radioactive materials have spattered.''
via boingboing.
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